What Did Mercedes Benz Invent. For example the glk class just became the glc the gl class is turning into the gls and the m class is dead to the gle to figure out where all this nonsense comes from we travel all the. Mercedes benz invented the van.

Love of invention will never die carl benz is born in karlsruhe on 25 november 1844. His father dies in july 1846. Mercedes benz first refined the technology with bosch in the 70s then added the technology to the s class in 1978.
Mercedes benz has a very complicated history that involves a lot of collaboration and a lot of name changes.
Soon after anti lock breaks became standard on all mercedes benz models. As the need for vans grew mercedes benz surpassed all expectations to become the world s largest commercial vehicle manufacturer. The mercedes benz brand was born under a lucky star. Using an improved version and without her husband s knowledge benz s wife bertha and their two sons eugen 15 and richard 14 embarked on the first long distance journey in automotive history on an august day in 1888.